Manisha panchakam is a stotram composed by Adi Shankaracharya to convey his firm conviction to a Chandala due to a situation he encountered in the City of Kashi.
The Manisha Panchakam lyrics contain a total of five stanzas that discusses his awakening of pure consciousness, enlightenment, suppression of ego, and Maya due to the questions raised by a Chandala.
The story behind Manisha panchakam goes in this way. Once, Adi Shankaracharya took a bath in the river Ganga and is returning to Kashi Vishwanath temple. While he and his Sishyagana were on the way to the temple, they saw a Chandala (An Outcaste person) and told him to move away and give the path.
Then the Chandala asked Shankara and his followers the questions that what do you mean by saying move away? do you want me to move away or my consciousness? Shocked by the great question that awakened the mind and the mistake they had made.
Shankara replied to that person in five stanzas and thought he was none other than the Great God Shiva who came to enlighten him and to change the customs. Later Adi Shankara touched the feet of Chandala to show respect and thanking for enlightening him.
The five stanzas that were composed by Guru Shankara while replying to chandala are none other than the Manisha panchakam stotram.

Stanzas that indicate on the situation and the question asked by Chandala
Satyaacharyasya gamane kadaachin-mukthi daayakam
Kasi kshetram prati saha gaurya marge tu Shankaram
Anthya vesha dharam drushtva gaccha gacchethi chabraveeth
Sankarah soapi chandalastam punah praha Shankaram
Annamayaadanna maya-madhavaa Chaitanya meva chaitanyaat
Yativara duree karthum vamchasi kim bruuhi gaccha gacchethi
Pratyagvasthuni nistharangna sahajaanandaava bhodhambudhau
Viproyam swapacho ayamityapi mahankoyam vibheda bramaha
Kim gajgaambuni bimbite amba ramanau chandala veethee payah
Purey vaantara-masthi kanchana ghati mruthkumbhayorvambare
Manisha Panchakam Lyrics in English
Jaagrat Swapna sushipthishu sputataraa ya samvidu-jjrumbhathe
Ya brahmaadi pipeela kantha tanushu protha Jagath sakshini
Saivaaham na cha drushya vastvithi drudha pragnaapi yasyasthi cheth
Chandalosthu satu dwijosthu guru rithyesha Manisha mama (1)
Brahmai vaaha midam jagaccha sakalam chinmatra vistharitham
Sarvam chaitad vidhyaya trigunaya ashesham maya kalpitham
Istham yasya druda matihi sukhatarey nithye parey nirmale
Chandalosthu satu dwijosthu gururith yesha Manisha mama (2)
Saswa-nnaswara meva viswamakhilam nischitya vacha guror-
nithyam brahma niramtaram vimrushataa nirvyaja santhaatmana
Bhutam bhavi cha dushkrutham pradahataa samvinmaye pavake
Prarabdhaya samarpitham swavapu guru rityeshaa Manisha mama (3)
Ya tirya gnara devatabhir aha mithyanta sphutaa gruhyathe
Yadbhasaa hrudayaksha deha vishaya bhanthi swatho a chetanaha
Taam bhasyaihi pihitaarka mandala nibhaam spurthim sada bhavayan
yogi nirvruta manasohi guru-rithyesha Manisha mama (4)
yat saukhyaam budhilesha leshata ime sakradayo nirvrutaha
yacchithe nitaraam prashanta kalane labdhva munir nirvrutaha
Yasmin Nithya sukhaam-bhudhau galitadhir brahmaiva na brahmavidh-
yah kaschitsa surendra vandita pado nuunam Manisha mama (5)
Ithi Sri Shankaracharya kurta Manisha Panchakam Sampoornam
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